Fifty Years Teaching

Traditional Chinese Martial Arts

We offer classes in My Jhong Law Horn Kung Fu, Wu Tai Chi Chuan, and Fu Style Pa Kua Chang

Contact Us

Lee's White Leopard Kung Fu School

6757 Arapaho Rd. #753
Dallas, TX 75248-4073
Feel free to visit our school any time classes are in session or contact us

  • White Leopard Kung Fu (白 豹 馆) School began in September 1958 when Johnny Lee started learning My Jhong Law Horn Kung Fu (迷 踪 罗 汉) from Grandmaster Yip Yu-Ting in Hong Kong.

  • All classes are taught by Grand Master Johnny Kwong Ming Lee, one of only ten 10th Degree Black Belts recognized by the World Kung Fu and Wushu Masters Association.  

  • We offer classes in My Jhong Law Horn Kung Fu (迷 踪 罗 汉), Wu Tai Chi Chuan (吴式太极拳), and Fu Style Pa Kua Chang (傅式八卦掌).  

    • 2022 Year of the Tiger Demo

      2022 Year of the Tiger Demo

      Team White Leopard brought in the Year of the Tiger with a martial arts demo at St. Mark’s School of Texas during their Lunar New Year Assembly....

    • Hillcrest Village Green Park Opening

      Hillcrest Village Green Park Opening

      On Saturday, January 30, 2021, the park in our shopping center was officially opened at a ribbon cutting ceremony by Dallas City Council members. Our students performed before and after the ceremony. We hope you will enjoy this montage of the forms w...

    • Year of the Ox Celebration

      Year of the Ox Celebration

      In keeping with tradition, our Lunar New Year celebration took place on Saturday, February 13, 2021 at 7:00pm. This year was challenging in so many ways and having our banquet in the manner we have held in the past years was one of them. We had to ma...

Team White Leopard

The most talented and gifted students at Lee's White Leopard Kung Fu represent the school by joining Team White Leopard. Led by Black Belts Alex Campolo, Jarret O'Shea, and Allison Campolo, the demo team performs electrifying martial arts exhibitions and traditional lion and dragon dance for a variety of occasions. Team ...

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